Voters Guide for Erie County, PA

Voters Guide

Candidates for Erie County Executive, Erie County Council, Erie City Mayor, Erie City Council, Harborcreek Township Supervisor and Millcreek Township Supervisor were asked about their positions on GLBT issues. Their responses appear below.

Erie County Executive


Do you support HB 300, which would amend the Pennsylvania Human Relations statute to include as protected categories real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity/expression?

If you do support HB 300, what would you be willing to do as an office-holder to promote its passage?

Barry Grossman (D)

I support HB 300 absolutely— 100%— totally. I would lobby state legislators to support it.

Mike Kerner (R)

As County Executive, I will be in no position to support or oppose this measure. I believe it is inappropriate to comment on it as a candidate.


What else would you like to let gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered (GLBT) voters, and their families, friends and supporter concerned about GLBT issues know about you?

Barry Grossman (D)

I am totally and completely committed to constructing a society that welcomes & cherishes the rights of all human beings. At my restaurant, Mi Scuzi, we presently have white, black, Latino, Korean and gay and/or lesbian employees. I would have it no other way.

As a person of Jewish ancestry, I am keenly aware of discrimination and all of the horrors that it has wrought. Discrimination against GLBT is America’s last bastion of legal intolerance.

We must firmly and finally include our GLBT friends in the promise of America that “all men (i.e. people) are created equal -- entitled to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Mike Kerner (R)

As County Executive, I will uphold my oath to enforce and comply with all laws of the commonwealth, to the best of my ability.

Erie County Council


Do you support HB 300, which would amend the Pennsylvania Human Relations statute to include as protected categories real or perceived sexual orientation or gender identity/expression?

If you do support HB 300, what would you be willing to do as an office-holder to promote its passage?


What else would you like to let gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered (GLBT) voters, and their families, friends and supporter concerned about GLBT issues know about you?

County Council District 2

Anti Discrimination

Joe Giles (D-Incumbent)

Yes. I have always supported this legislation and will continue to do so.


Joe Giles (D-Incumbent)

Throughout my many years of public service, I have played a strong leadership role in the revitalization of the Human Relations Commission for Erie County. I have taken on the role of chairing efforts to review and expand the policy of Erie County to include sexual orientation. This important policy was completed and approved in 2002. This involved many hours of work and many meetings with people in our community. As chair of council, I made it a point to meet with HUD officials in Washington DC to secure a 3 year grant to expand the role and authority of our local HRC to include housing discrimination issues. This is the first full year of the grant. We are optomistic that federal funding will continue for the next two years. This is an important step in the development of a quality program emphasizing equal treatment under the law for all people.

County Council District 4

Not Responding: Dan Desrochers (R)

Anti Discrimination

Ronald Whitey Cleaver (D-Incumbent)

Yes --- The bill sponsored by Rep. Dan Frankel has my full support. The bill being on the state level needs support from our local elected officials which means contacting our State Reps to vote in favor.


Ronald Whitey Cleaver (D-Incumbent)

I will protect their rights when the need arises.

County Council District 6

Not Responding: Ebert G Beeman (R), Albert Bert Taylor (Green), Steve Porter (Independent)

Anti Discrimination

Gerald D Price, Jr (D)

I support any legislation that increases or protects an individual’s rights and freedoms.

I will strongly lobby state officials to help them recognize that ALL are created equal & our rights shoudld NOT be trampled on.

Erie City Mayor

Not Responding: Jack Anderson (R)

Anti Discimination

Joe Sinnott (D-Incumbent)

I do support this bill because I support any legislation that would serve to protect specific targets from hate crimes. The need for protected classes seems to be an evolving concept so there is sometimes need to expand this definition.

Because this is a state issue, I do not have any direct influence on the issue but would support it by writing letters to state representatives and encouraging their passage of the bill.

Erie City Council

Not Responding: Tim Butler (R), Curtis Jones (D-Incumbent), Joseph V Schember, JR (D-Incumbent), James N Thompson (D-Incumbent), Jim Winarski (D)

Millcreek Twp. Supervisor

Not Responding: Richard Figaski (D), Larry Curtis (R)

Harborcreek Twp. Supervisor

Not Responding: Tim May (R), Curt Smith (D)

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Posted by Michael Mahler on November 11, 2009