Two polls on gay marriage, one at KCCI Channel 8 (Des Moines’ CBS affiliate) and the other at The Des Moines Register , The Register
also released their Iowa Republican Gubernatorial Primary Iowa Poll.
Looking at the gay marriage polls first…
KCCI claims that a majority of Iowans support same-sex
marriage with 53% saying they favor it with 41% opposed. They don’t include a link unlike their Governor’s race and Senate race poll (also just released) that shows details like sample size, party breakdown, gender breakdown, etc.
I have a hard time believing
that it isn’t the same polling company, Research 2000, that conducted that poll. It doesn’t make sense to commission two separate polls when you could just ask
additional questions while you have people on the phone. If that is the case I’ve already pointed out problems with that particular poll, and the recent track record that company has had. They have been off the beaten track on numerous occasions, compared to other polling done.
Regardless of whether KCCI,
Research 2000, or some other company did the polling, I have a hard time believing that Iowa is more liberal than Maine, California,
or the 31 states that have voted in favor of the traditional definition of marriage. Recent polling has suggested that Iowa still is a center-right state, so this poll is fishy. The last polling done by The Des Moines Register showed that Iowa was pretty split so this is a pretty hefty leap in just six months.
Then for those who wonder where Iowa’s likely Republican
voters land on this issue, you have the Register’s Iowa Poll which resoundingly states that this is an important issue
for them, as you can see the chart below. Unfortunately it tells us nothing about where all voters likely stand.
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