Uganda Be Kidding Me: More Gay Porn from Pastor Ssempa & Dangerous Legal Loopholes

Ugandan Pastor, and Rick Warren's right hand man, Martin Ssempa really hates gay people since he's one of the unapologetic driving forces behind the "Kill the Gays" bill. sempa-1.jpg

But he sure seems to love gay porn.

I wrote about
his last public showing of porn in January, where he call a press c.... Looks like he hasn't really learned his lesson. After police blocked his Million Man "Kill the Gays" March, Ssempa held another of his special screenings in a Kampala church:

The screening was attended by around 300 supporters crammed into an evangelical church in the Ugandan capital after plans for a 'million-man march' were thwarted by police. 'We had planned to have a million-man and -woman march in Kampala but unfortunately we were told that we could not march because of security concerns," Martin Ssempa told the crowd. 'The major argument homosexuals have is that what people do in the privacy of their bedrooms is nobody's business but do you know what they do in their bedrooms?,' the pastor asked. Ssempa then displayed a slide show of gay pornographic pictures. 'This one is eating another man's penis,' the pastor said, before going into even more graphic descriptions. 'Is this what Obama wants to bring to Africa?' he said, following fierce US criticism of a Ugandan bill drafted last year that would further criminalise homosexuality.

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Posted by Waymon Hudson on February 18, 2010

Media provided by: Gay Media and Press Network.