Rep. Nancy 'Anal Sex in Schools' Elliott: Liar, Liar...

New Hampshire Representative Nancy Elliott became youtube/Sally Kern famous last week when she gave a detailed rant on gay male sex and made the ridiculous claim ....

Well, it looks like we weren't the only ones who could smell her pants on fire as she spewed her lies.
Nashua Alderman Diane Sheehan sought to have Rep. Elliott removed f...:

"Either turn in the name of the 'mother' whose child was subjected to this alleged display of pornography to the Nashua Police Department, as required by law to protect the children, or recant and apologize publicly."

"If neither of those two actions take place in the next 48 hours, I will begin exploring action to prosecute for false statement, and your removal from office," Sheehan wrote.

Care to take any guesses about whether Elliott could substantiate her outrageous claims? Read her weak mea culpa after the jump...

Continue reading "Rep. Nancy 'Anal Sex in Schools' Elliott: Liar, L...

Posted by Waymon Hudson on February 18, 2010

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