Trans Bathroom Scare Smear used against Gay Gainesville,
FL Candidate
Our readers may remember last year's battle in Gainesville, Florida where anti-LGBT forces came together.... The fierce battle at the ballot box included tons of odious transphobic statements, mailers,
and commercials, yet the anti-LGBT forces were defeated, thanks in large part to the great campaign run by the equality advocates in Gainesville.
Craig Lowe was Chair of the successful campaign to stop the repeal of theHuman Rights Ordinance. He's now running another successful campaign to become the first ga... and one of the only openly gay elected official in North Florida.
Cue the scare
tactics and homophobic, transphobic fear-mongering.
A group called the "Concerned Citizens of Gainesville"
has already started a nasty and outrageous smear campaign, complete with trans panic bathroom scare flyers.
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