TAKE ACTION! The Marriage Amendment in Pennsylvania is Back
By Andy Hoover, legislative director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania
Save those on the fringes, it’s hard to believe anyone could
think that debating, yet again, a state constitutional amendment banning same sex marriage is a good idea. And yet there
are some state senators who want to do this dance again.
John Eichelberger of Blair County has introduced Senate Bill 707, which would codify discrimination against the lesbian, gay,
bisexual, and transgender community into our state constitution, Pennsylvania’s “declaration of rights.”
We’ve defeated this effort twice before, in 2006 and 2008. Are you ready to beat it again?
Northwest Pennsylvania is going to play a key role in beating back this amendment. SB 707 is
currently in the Senate Judiciary Committee, and two senators from NWPA are on that committee, Senator Jane Earll and Senator
Mary Jo White. If you live in Erie County, you’re represented by one of these two senators. Senator White
also represents all of Forest, Venango, and Clarion Counties and parts of Butler and Warren Counties.
In the past, Senator Earll has voted against this legislation. Senator White has always voted for it
but has also publicly expressed her hesitancy about even taking it up at all.
must convince Senators Earll and White to vote against this divisive, hurtful initiative. Call your senator today and
ask her to vote “no” on SB 707.
If you’re represented
by Senator Earll, you can reach her at 814-453-2515. If your senator is Mary Jo White, you can reach her at 814-432-4345.
If you don’t know who your senator is but you’re ready to take action, visit our website, aclupa.org/legislation,
and use our “find your legislator” tool.
A phone call
is the quickest thing you can do. But the most effective thing you can do is meet with your senator. The legislature
won’t be back in Harrisburg until March 8, and even when they are in session, they are in their district offices on
Thursdays and Fridays.
If you want help setting up and preparing for
an appointment, you can reach us at hbginfo@aclupa.org or 717-238-ACLU. Key points to convey when talking with your senator are available at
Senator Earll and Senator White are both fair-minded legislators.
They also need to know that their constituents support what they’re doing in Harrisburg, so they need to hear from you.
They need to know that their constituents want them to oppose this attempt to hurt the LGBT community through a constitutional
amendment on marriage.
Every time we win on this issue, as we have
twice before, the closer we get to never seeing it again. Let’s bury the constitutional amendment on marriage
for good. Take action today!
Andy Hoover is
the legislative director for the American Civil Liberties Union of Pennsylvania.
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