More Problems at Notre Dame: Ex-Gay Speaker Invited to Talk About "Authenticity"

It seems that the outrage over the publishing of a pro gay-bashing cartoon in the student newspaper, along with the continued refusal of the administration to allow an LGBT group on campus or i..., hasn't taught Notre Dame anything.

pCEtPSEFyGnIIwX-201x148-cropped.jpgThe school has invited Melinda Selmys to headline its "Edith Stein Project," an annual event and speaker series that examines what it means to be "authentic women and men." The glaring issue? Selyms is an ex-gay activist who promotes praying away the gay and debunked anti-gay "science." From our friends at

"In three columns for the National Catholic Register in 2007, Melinda Selmys wrote that she gave up her lesbian relationship when.... But the juicy bits don't stop there. Selmys says that gay men have a hard time accepting God because he reminds them of their own harsh father figures."

I guess that baseball bat from the Observer cartoon can be both literal and figurative at Notre Dame when it comes to gay bashing...

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Posted by Waymon Hudson on February 10, 201
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