theboyzone radio and neoteric records

Theboyzone Radio and the gay and bisexual social networking site are now working closely with Neoteric Records and we are looking forward to being one of the first Radio stations to play the new tracks from this newly reformed Record Label.

Neoteric Records brought to the gay community some very high quality cover versions in the 90,s Your So Vain, Show Me Heaven,(Chimira) Aquarious/Let the Sunshine In Alison Jiear .
Neoteric recorded a dance version of Aquarius/Let the sun shine in with Alison in 1997,
updating the songs with her gospel-inflected voice atop a heavily synthesized foundation.
Alison has since gone on to appear in several West End Musicals including The Hot Mikado, Jerry Springer The Opera and Grease.

The label has taken a long break of 12 years, since their last release,with Mr.B concentrating on writing music, we can now inform you that Mr.B is back in the studio and has already finished 4 new tracks.

We asked Martin at Neoteric if they would be releasing any of their Back Catalogue and
the answer was a definate No!.
Quote" The tracks and mixes we produced in the late 90,s were right for their time, to release back catalogues now that we have neoteric records again producing new tracks, would be wrong. We have come back with new ideas and new productions , the back catalogue will stay locked away, .Unquote"

I asked Martin for his views on us (theboyzone Radio) including the tracks he produced in the late 90,s in our Classic Dance Tracks Hour. Quote: I have no problem with the tracks being played, I am happy that we produced music that is still popular 12 years later, lets hope the tracks that I am producing now will still be played in 12 years time." Unquote.

Mr.B (neoteric) has always been one to avoid the limelight and media, and he has asked that you contact him via theboyzone radio, or by
Please contact Alan on either of these email addresses or
telephone 0034 671 477 259 and we will be delighted to forward you his new tracks to play on your stations, we can send these in either Mp3 format or WMA.

Matthew.. theboyzoneradio

Media provided by: - Gay Media and Press Network.