Worldwide Gay Media and Press Professionals Connect

(Pittsburgh, PA - Jan. 5, 2010) Your local gay newspaper has never seen anything like it. In the "good old" days, the gay newspapers job was to publish breaking news for the gay community. In those days the mainstream media would not even touch a story in the GLBT community. In this day and age, that has changed. When you turn on the TV today it is hard not to find some type of media about the GLBT community. This has made it hard for the gay newspapers. Most gay newspapers are published weekly or monthly. They are finding that the breaking news is being released by the mainstream media before they can get it out. They find it more challenging to find stories and content for their publication. is trying to change this. They have created a "Gay Media and Press Network" for gay media professionals. The gay media is able to interact, share news stories and find material for their publications. They can post press releases, stories and or headlines for syndication to other gay publications. It is a great way for them to get content for their publication and market their gay publication to the world.

New members are coming from gay newspapers, magazines, web portals, radio stations and TV stations. Many of the members taking part are publishers, editors and writers of the publications. Some of the first members to join where the Erie Gay News, UK Gay News, Philadelphia Gay News, Boston Spirit, TV Gay Guide, Whosoever Magazine,, TV Polari, Rainbow Pages, Pink Banana Media, and Rainbow Webradio. Gay media members are welcome worldwide. They already have members from the USA, UK, Netherlands, Mexico, Canada and France.

All local, national and international gay publications are invite to join the new "Gay Media and Press Network" at: . You are welcome to pass the word to your local gay newspaper or magazine. You may start seeing better content in your favorite gay newspaper or web site.

The new "Press and Media Network" is published by

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